Welcome to our ISO certification services!

As a leading Nigerian business consultant with extensive experience in provides services to contractors and subcontractors in the oil and gas sector, we understand the growing importance of quality assurance and control for organizations seeking to do business in Nigeria. The National Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) has made quality requirements a priority, especially in sectors like oil and gas, process industry, manufacturing, engineering designs, calibration, and maintenance services.

ISO certification has become a major requirement for companies in these industries, we are dedicated to helping your organization achieve ISO certifications efficiently and effectively.

About Novelle Center

At Novelle Center, we are your reliable partner for ISO certification services in Nigeria. With over 12 years of audit and certification experience, we ensure a smooth and professional certification process. As a third party audit and conformity center, we deliver audit services and ISO consultancy company that adhere to global standards and international best practices, proudly representing Nigeria.

Additionally, we are a registered and recognized member of the NCDMB with valid DPR/OGISP approvals. This allows us to provide quality services that meet local demands for companies, contractors, and subcontractors seeking OGISP, NUPRC, NMDPRA, or NIPEX approvals. As your friendly ISO consultancy company, we are here to support your certification journey.

Our ISO Services

We specialize in a range of services to cater to your ISO certification needs:

Our experienced auditors conduct thorough assessments of your organization’s processes and systems to identify areas for improvement and ensure compliance with ISO standards.

Proper documentation is a crucial aspect of ISO certification. Our team helps you create and organize the necessary documentation to meet ISO requirements efficiently.

Our specialized training programs equip your team with the knowledge and skills needed to implement and sustain ISO standards effectively. View our list of ISO courses

As a DPR/OGTAN/NCDMB ISO certification company in Nigeria, we provide ISO certifications that are recognized globally, demonstrating your commitment to excellence and best practices.

If your existing ISO certification needs renewal, we offer revalidation and recertification services to ensure that your organization remains in adherence to the required standards.

Whether you are seeking initial ISO certification, revalidation, training or need assistance with documentation, Novelle Center is your reliable partner in achieving ISO excellence. Let our expertise guide you through the certification journey and empower your organization for success

ISO Certification Standards we provide Organisations, Contractors and Subcontractors

ISO 9001 Certification

Understanding ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Certification 

ISO 9001 is an international standard for quality management systems (QMS) developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It sets out the criteria for a QMS and is based on several quality management principles, including a strong customer focus, process approach, and continuous improvement. In the context of Nigerian local content and the need for quality management, ISO 9001 becomes crucial for organizations seeking to enhance their operations, efficiency, and overall competitiveness while meeting the requirements of local regulations and standards.


Benefits of ISO 9001 Certification

Implementing ISO 9001 in Nigeria’s local content landscape can offer numerous benefits, such as:

1. Enhanced Efficiency: ISO 9001 helps organizations establish streamlined processes, reducing errors and inefficiencies, ultimately leading to improved productivity and cost-effectiveness.

2. Improved Customer Satisfaction: The standard emphasizes meeting customer requirements and enhancing customer satisfaction, resulting in increased loyalty and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

3. Competitive Advantage: Having ISO 9001 certification can be a differentiator in the market, demonstrating the organization’s commitment to quality, which can attract more customers and business partners.

4. Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to ISO 9001 requirements often aligns organizations with relevant local regulations and standards, ensuring legal compliance and reducing the risk of penalties.

5. Better Decision Making: With a strong focus on data-driven decision-making, ISO 9001 enables organizations to base their strategies and actions on reliable information.

6. Continuous Improvement: ISO 9001 promotes a culture of continuous improvement within the organization, leading to ongoing enhancements in products, services, and processes.

7. Stakeholder Confidence: Certification to ISO 9001 instills confidence in stakeholders, including investors, suppliers, and employees, as it signifies a commitment to consistent quality and operational excellence.

To obtain a quote for our ISO 9001 certification or recertification services, please provide your information in the enquiry form below. Our expert auditors will respond within 24 hours.

ISO 45001 Certification

Understanding ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Certification

ISO 45001 is an international standard for occupational health and safety (OH&S) management systems. It provides a framework that organizations can use to manage and improve their occupational health and safety performance, ensuring the safety and well-being of employees and other stakeholders. The standard was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) with the goal of reducing workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatalities, and promoting a safe and healthy work environment.


Benefits of ISO 45001:

Implementing ISO 45001 in an organization is crucial for several reasons:

1. Protecting Employees: ISO 45001 helps organizations identify and manage occupational health and safety risks, leading to a safer workplace for employees and reducing the likelihood of accidents and injuries.

2. Legal Compliance: The standard assists organizations in understanding and complying with relevant OH&S laws, regulations, and requirements, preventing potential legal issues and penalties.

3. Improved Reputation: Organizations with ISO 45001 certification demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being and safety, enhancing their reputation among customers, partners, and stakeholders.

4. Cost Reduction: By preventing accidents and illnesses, organizations can reduce costs associated with medical expenses, compensation claims, and disruptions to operations.

5. Productivity and Morale: A safe work environment fosters higher employee morale and productivity, leading to increased efficiency and effectiveness.

6. Global Recognition: ISO 45001 is internationally recognized, allowing organizations to demonstrate their adherence to best practices in OH&S management on a global scale.

Implementing ISO 45001 demonstrates an organization’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace for its employees, contributing to the well-being of the workforce and the overall success of the business.

To obtain a quote for our ISO 45001 certification or recertification services, please provide your information in the enquiry form below. Our expert auditors will respond within 24hours.

ISO 14001 Certification

Understanding ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems Certification:

ISO 14001 is an international standard for environmental management systems (EMS). It provides a systematic framework that organizations can adopt to effectively manage their environmental responsibilities and improve their environmental performance. The standard was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) with the aim of promoting sustainable practices, reducing environmental impact, and complying with applicable environmental regulations.


Benefits of ISO 14001 Certification:

Obtaining ISO 14001 certification offers several advantages for organizations committed to environmental sustainability:

1. Environmental Protection: ISO 14001 provides a structured approach to identifying and mitigating environmental risks and impacts, helping organizations to protect the environment from adverse effects caused by their operations.

2. Legal Compliance: By complying with ISO 14001 requirements, organizations can align their practices with relevant environmental laws and regulations, reducing the risk of non-compliance and associated legal penalties.

3. Cost Savings: Improved resource efficiency and waste management, as well as reduced energy consumption, can lead to cost savings for organizations. ISO 14001 encourages sustainable resource use and waste reduction, positively impacting the bottom line.

4. Enhanced Reputation: ISO 14001 certification demonstrates an organization’s commitment to environmental stewardship, fostering a positive image among customers, partners, and stakeholders. A strong environmental reputation can attract environmentally-conscious clients and investors.

5. Competitive Advantage: In an increasingly environmentally-conscious marketplace, ISO 14001 certification can set an organization apart from competitors, offering a unique selling point that appeals to environmentally-aware customers.

6. Employee Engagement: Adopting environmentally responsible practices can boost employee morale and engagement. Employees often take pride in working for environmentally-conscious organizations and are more likely to support sustainability initiatives.

ISO 14001 helps organizations contribute positively to the environment while achieving their business objectives sustainably.

To obtain a quote for our ISO 14001 certification or recertification services, please provide your information in the enquiry form below. Our expert auditors will respond within 24hours.

FSSC 22000 Certification

Understanding FSSC 22000 Food Safety Management Systems Certifications

FSSC 22000 is a food safety management system certification scheme for organizations in the food industry. It ensures effective management of food safety hazards, production of safe food products, and compliance with food safety regulations and customer requirements.


Benefits of FSSC 22000 Certification:

Obtaining FSSC 22000 certification offers several advantages for food industry organizations:

1. Enhanced Food Safety: Implementation of FSSC 22000 identifies and mitigates food safety hazards, reducing the risk of food borne illnesses and product recalls.

2. Regulatory Compliance: FSSC 22000 certification ensures adherence to food safety regulations, enabling legal operation and access to markets with stringent requirements.

3. Customer Confidence: Certification demonstrates commitment to producing safe food, building trust with customers and consumers.

4. Market Access: FSSC 22000 is internationally recognized, facilitating access to global markets and trade opportunities.

5. Supply Chain Assurance: Certification fosters supply chain trust, assuring customers of effective food safety management throughout the supply chain.

6. Continuous Improvement: FSSC 22000 drives continuous improvement in food safety practices, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

FSSC 22000 certification helps organizations establish themselves as leaders in food safety, ensuring safe and high-quality food products for consumers.

To obtain a quote for our FSSC 22000 certification or recertification services, please provide your information in the enquiry form below. Our expert auditors will respond within 24hours.

HACCP Certification

Understanding HACCP Certification for Organisation:

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a systematic approach to food safety management that identifies and controls potential hazards throughout the food production process. HACCP is widely recognized and implemented in the food industry as a preventive measure to ensure the safety and quality of food products. HACCP certification provides organizations with a formal recognition of their compliance with HACCP principles and practices.


Benefits of HACCP Certification:

Obtaining HACCP certification provides various advantages for organizations in the food industry:

1. Enhanced Food Safety: HACCP focuses on preventive measures, significantly reducing the risk of food borne illnesses and contamination.

2. Regulatory Compliance: HACCP certification ensures compliance with food safety regulations and demonstrates the organization’s commitment to food safety standards.

3. Consumer Confidence: Certification enhances consumer trust in the safety and quality of the organization’s food products.

4. Market Access: Many retailers and suppliers require HACCP certification, opening doors to new business opportunities and partnerships.

5. Brand Reputation: HACCP certification reinforces the organization’s reputation for producing safe and high-quality food products.

6. Continuous Improvement: Implementing HACCP fosters a culture of continuous improvement, leading to more efficient and effective food safety practices.


HACCP certification is a critical step for organizations in the food industry to ensure the safety and quality of their products. By identifying and controlling potential hazards, organizations can prevent foodborne illnesses, comply with regulations, gain consumer trust, and access new markets. HACCP certification is a testament to an organization’s commitment to producing safe food and is a valuable asset in today’s food safety-conscious world.

ISO 41001 Certification

ISO 41001 Facilities Management Systems Certification

ISO 41001 is an international standard that provides a framework for facilities management (FM) systems. It outlines the requirements and best practices for effectively managing the facilities and services within an organization. The standard is designed to help organizations improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their facility management processes, enhance the working environment, and achieve better overall business outcomes.


Benefits of ISO 41001 Certification:

Obtaining ISO 41001 certification offers numerous benefits for organizations:

1. Improved Facility Management: ISO 41001 provides a systematic approach to managing facilities, leading to better planning, maintenance, and operations.

2. Cost Savings: Effective facility management can result in cost savings through optimized resource utilization and reduced downtime.

3. Enhanced Working Environment: ISO 41001 promotes a better working environment, leading to increased employee satisfaction and productivity.

4. Compliance and Consistency: The standard ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and promotes consistency in facility management practices.

5. Customer and Stakeholder Confidence: ISO 41001 certification demonstrates a commitment to excellence in facility management, enhancing customer and stakeholder confidence.

6. Competitive Advantage: Certification can provide a competitive edge, as ISO 41001 compliance showcases the organization’s dedication to high standards in facility management.


ISO 41001 certification is a valuable achievement for organizations seeking to improve their facility management practices. By implementing the standard’s requirements, organizations can optimize resource utilization, enhance the working environment, achieve cost savings, and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. ISO 41001 offers a systematic and structured approach to facility management, contributing to the overall success and efficiency of the organization.


To obtain a quote for our ISO 41001 (Facilities Management Systems) certification or recertification services, please provide your information in the enquiry form below. Our expert auditors will respond within 24hours.

ISO 27001 Certification

ISO 27001 Information Security Management Systems Certification

ISO 27001 is an international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). It provides a systematic approach to managing sensitive company information, ensuring its confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The standard was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to help organizations protect their valuable information assets and prevent data breaches, cyberattacks, and other security incidents.


Benefits of ISO 27001 Certification:

Obtaining ISO 27001 certification offers several advantages for organizations:

1. Enhanced Information Security: ISO 27001 provides a robust framework for safeguarding sensitive information, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

2. Compliance with Regulations: Certification ensures organizations meet the requirements of relevant data protection and information security regulations.

3. Customer Confidence: ISO 27001 certification demonstrates the organization’s commitment to protecting customer data, enhancing trust and confidence among clients.

4. Competitive Advantage: Certification can be a differentiator in the market, as it highlights the organization’s dedication to information security best practices.

5. Reduced Incidents and Downtime: Effective information security management reduces the likelihood of security incidents, minimizing potential disruptions to business operations.

6. Business Continuity: ISO 27001 helps organizations establish robust business continuity plans to recover from security incidents swiftly.

ISO 27001 certification is crucial for organizations seeking to protect their sensitive information assets and maintain the trust of customers and stakeholders. By implementing the standard’s requirements, organizations can establish effective information security management systems, reduce the risk of data breaches, and enhance their overall resilience to cyber threats. ISO 27001 offers a proactive and systematic approach to information security, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical information, which is vital in today’s digital and interconnected business landscape.

To obtain a quote for our ISO 27001 certification or recertification services, please provide your information in the enquiry form below. Our expert auditors will respond within 24 hours.

ISO 22301 Certification

ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Systems Certification

ISO 22301 is an international standard for business continuity management systems (BCMS). It provides a framework to help organizations plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain, and continually improve their business continuity capabilities. The standard aims to enable organizations to effectively respond to and recover from disruptive incidents, such as natural disasters, technology failures, and other emergencies, ensuring the continuity of critical business operations.


Benefits of ISO 22301 Certification:

Obtaining ISO 22301 certification offers several advantages for organizations:

1. Enhanced Resilience: ISO 22301 helps organizations become more resilient by preparing them to respond effectively to disruptions and minimize downtime.

2. Risk Reduction: The standard aids in identifying and mitigating risks, reducing the likelihood of severe impacts on critical business operations.

3. Compliance and Confidence: Certification demonstrates the organization’s commitment to business continuity best practices, enhancing customer and stakeholder confidence.

4. Customer Trust: Clients and partners gain trust in the organization’s ability to maintain services and meet commitments, even during challenging situations.

5. Competitive Advantage: ISO 22301 certification can be a competitive differentiator, especially when clients or partners require strong business continuity capabilities.

6. Regulatory Compliance: Certification ensures alignment with relevant regulatory requirements related to business continuity planning.


ISO 22301 certification is a valuable asset for organizations seeking to ensure the continuity of critical business operations during disruptive incidents. By implementing the standard’s requirements, organizations can enhance their resilience, reduce risks, gain customer trust, and maintain a competitive advantage. ISO 22301 provides a systematic and proactive approach to business continuity management, ensuring organizations can effectively respond to disruptions and recover with minimal impact on their business.


To obtain a quote for our ISO 22301 certification or recertification services, please provide your information in the enquiry form below. Our expert auditors will respond within 24 hours.