Course Description

The Process Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry course is designed to provide engineers, managers, and safety professionals with a comprehensive understanding of process safety management principles specific to the oil and gas sector. Participants will learn how to effectively integrate process safety practices into the organization’s overall management system, promote a culture of safety, and ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations.

The course emphasizes the critical role of process safety in preventing major accidents, managing operational risks, and achieving continuous improvement.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, learners will:
  • Gain a deep understanding of process safety principles and practices specific to the oil and gas industry.
  • Develop proficiency in risk assessment and hazard analysis techniques.
  • Learn to ensure regulatory compliance and effectively manage process safety information.
  • Master techniques for conducting thorough incident investigations and root cause analyses.
  • Enhance leadership skills for promoting a safety-conscious culture within process operations.
  • Acquire knowledge and strategies for emergency response planning and management.
  • Develop expertise in process hazard analysis (PHA) methodologies such as HAZOP and LOPA.
  • Understand the importance of safety integrity levels (SIL) and layers of protection analysis (LOPA).
  • Familiarize with industry standards such as API, OSHA PSM, and IEC 61511.

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Process Safety
  • Welcome and Course Overview
  • Introduction to Process Safety
Module 2: Regulatory Framework and Standards
  • Overview of Major Regulations (OSHA PSM, EPA RMP)
  • Industry Standards (API, IEC 61511)
  • Compliance and Its Significance
Module 3: Process Safety Information (PSI)
  • Critical Process Safety Information Requirements
  • Documentation and Management of PSI
Module 4: Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
  • Hazard Identification Techniques (HAZOP, What-If Analysis, FMEA)
  • Risk Assessment Fundamentals (Qualitative vs. Quantitative Risk Assessments, Risk Matrix)
Module 5: Risk Management and Safety Integrity Levels (SIL)
  • Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
  • Safety Integrity Levels (SIL)
  • Risk Reduction Strategies and Inherently Safer Design Principles
Module 6: Management of Change (MOC) and Incident Investigation
  • Importance of MOC in Process Safety
  • Procedures for Implementing and Managing Changes
  • Incident Investigation Techniques and Root Cause Analysis
Module 7: Emergency Response and Safety Culture
  • Emergency Response Planning and Crisis Management
  • Emergency Response Simulation
  • Safety Leadership and Culture
  • Human Factors in Process Safety
Module 8: Continuous Improvement and Future Trends
  • Process Safety Performance Indicators
  • Auditing and Review Processes
  • Technology and Innovation in Process Safety
  • Sustainable Practices and Environmental Considerations
  • Final Project and Group Presentation

Assessment and Certification

The examination comprises:
  • 150 Multiple Choice Questions (40%)
  • 3 Scenario-based practical assessments (40%)
  • Submission of a Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) report (20%)
Results will be available within 30 working days post-examination. Successful candidates will receive a Certificate of Completion in Process Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry, issued by SHE Organisation UK, with accreditation from the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management UK. Unsuccessful candidates may retake the exams at an additional cost.

Who should Attend?

  • Engineers, managers, and supervisors responsible for process safety management in the oil and gas industry.
  • Safety professionals seeking to enhance their process safety knowledge and skills.
  • Individuals aspiring to specialize in process safety within the oil and gas sector.
  • Professionals involved in risk assessment, hazard analysis, and emergency response planning.

Course Delivery

The Process Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry course is delivered in a dynamic and interactive format to maximize engagement and knowledge retention. Participants will benefit from a combination of lectures, group discussions, real-life case studies, and practical exercises.

Course Benefits

  • Gain essential skills and knowledge to effectively manage process safety in the oil and gas industry.
  • Enhance your career prospects and open doors to new opportunities.
  • Earn a recognized certification that demonstrates your commitment to process safety and compliance.
  • Acquire leadership capabilities to lead and motivate teams in safety initiatives.
  • Ensure your organization’s adherence to industry standards and regulations.
  • Improve operational safety and reduce the risk of major accidents.

Enrollment & Course fee

To enroll in the Process Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry course, interested individuals can complete the Online Registration Form. Seats are limited each month, and enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis.
The total package fee for the course is NGN 100,000 (60 pounds). Flexible installment payment plans are also available, allowing participants to pay as low as NGN 50,000 upfront and spread the remaining balance until the exams.

How do I Register for this course?

Fill in your details and submit the registration form below. Our dedicated course advisor will get back to you within 24 hours.
Seats are limited every month, so don’t miss out on this opportunity. Have questions or need further guidance? Our Dedicated Course Advisors can be reached at 09030589313 or 08030628861. Your journey to excellence begins with taking that bold step. We are here to support you.

Continued Learning opportunities

For those aspiring to advance their expertise further, additional courses are available. Graduates can consider enrolling in advanced courses such as ISO 45001 certification to become certified auditors in health and safety management.

Sample of Certificate